مطلوب مدراء و مشرفين و إداريين في تخصصات فنية و إدارية في الخبر

+ حجم الخط -


We need to recruit in Location in Al-Khobar ; 

  • 1-Facility and maintenance manager ( , experience of not less than 5 years )
  • 2- Biomedical technician (  experience of not less than 1 years )
  • 3-Office executive Assitant 
  • 4- Fainance manager ( experience of not less than 5 years )
  • 5- Patient Access Manager (experience of not less than 5 years )
  • 6 -Safety supervisor ( experience of not less than 2 years )

If you are interested please send your CV to the email with the name of the position you want to apply for:
